How She Harnessed the Power of her Mindset to Improve her Life
Jan 26, 2022
By Natalie Fisk, Team BN
There’s a great quote by Steve Maraboli,
“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.”
And that couldn’t be more true for Angie Busby-Bross.
The 48-year-old has experienced a major transformation,
Not just physically, but mentally and spiritually too.
“I can see a change from looking at my pictures,” says Angie.
Since joining BUFFnation, she is down more than 15 inches. Wow!
“I can also feel the change from within when I look at myself,
and that makes me smile!”
The shift for Angie started with becoming aware of her self-talk.
Releasing the negativity, and choosing uplifting, positive,
and encouraging language instead.
Her old mindset would say things like,
“Your body can’t do that” and “You’ve gained weight”.
She reframed that by using “I” when speaking to herself.
And she now says, “My body is strong” and “I can do that”.
Angie also started showing herself the love that she shows so many others.
“I have learned that I like myself and that I am worth it.
When I show up for me, I feel good and my adult children are seeing me love myself.”
Her BUFFnation Program
Shortly after joining BUFFnation, Angie was diagnosed with scoliosis and plantar fasciitis.
This could have led to her quitting, but instead, she shifted her mindset
and worked with BN coaches to modify her program and keep going.
Angie attends BUFFnation’s weekly stretch and meditation
class, and at least two live online strength and cardio workouts per week.
She also has two non-negotiable walk nights with a friend.
She says BUFFnation’s online platform is ideal for her busy schedule,
as she’s never been one to ‘go to the gym’.
“The decision to join BUFFnation was one of the best ones I have made in my life! Health + exercise + self = the best investment!”
If you’re thinking of getting started, Angie has this advice.
“Breathe. Be patient with yourself - change is happening. Every member of BUFFnation will lift you up, cheer you on, and support you to the level that they can.”
Angie + BN Instructor Team at Meetup Last Spring
Angie surprises us with flowers!
What’s Next for Angie
Exciting things are ahead for Angie, as she continues to cross goals off her list.
She’s looking to include more plant-based meals into her daily nutrition,
work on her mindset, and continue challenging
herself both mentally and physically.
Most importantly, though, she says she’ll continue
to lean into her faith and trust her higher power, God,
to guide her in becoming the best version of herself.
Angie that is so beautiful.
You truly are a strong and inspiring woman.
We’re so happy to have you as a member of the BUFFnation community.
We’re cheering you on and supporting you every step of the way.
We look forward to seeing what you’ll accomplish next!
Visit our website to learn more about our personal development, fitness and nutrition programs for Women 40+